Parents Magazine Puts First Child with Spina Bifida on Cover

This month, when you are walking past the magazine section in the grocery store, stop and take a look at Parents Magazine. The cover features an adorable little girl named Emily. This cover photo makes history. It is the first time a magazine has put a child with spina bifida on the cover. Emily Kiecher is an adorable three year old. She has been selected as the cover model for Parent Magazine’s February 2013 edition. Emily has blond hair, a happy smile, and a pink, poofy, skirt that only a preschooler can get away with wearing in public. It matches … Continue reading

Football Star Accompanies Teen With Spina Bifida to Dance

It isn’t always easy to be a teenager. Think back to the awkwardness that surrounded the school dances when you were younger. Social situations, like a school dance, often leave out the students who have special needs. One lucky teen, however, ended up going to her school dance with one of the Chicago Bears. This unique experience happened due to a series of seemingly unrelated events. First, J.T. Thomas got drafted by the Chicago Bears football team, in the sixth round of the draft, last month. He is a linebacker. J.T. Thomas lives in West Virginia, where he helps out … Continue reading

Spina Bifida Awareness Month

One of the most frequent pieces of advice you hear when you are pregnant is about the importance of getting enough folic acid. Folic acid is really one of those things you should get before you are pregnant, while you are trying to conceive. By the time you find out you are expecting, your pregnancy has already progressed beyond that crucial stage when folic acid is so important. That is why a good prenatal vitamin is so important; and that is why you should start taking prenatals as soon as you stop using birth control. Why am I talking about … Continue reading